Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thomas Kinkade paint

Thomas Kinkade is an American painter of realistic, bucolic, and idyllic subjects. He is most notable for the mass marketing of his work as printed reproductions and other licensed products via The Thomas Kinkade Company. He is self described as "Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light" (a trademarked phrase), and as "America's most-collected living artist".

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The earthquake in Southern California

CHINO HILLS, California - Despite shaking a large swath of Southern California, a magnitude-5.4 earthquake was not the "Big One" that scientists have long feared. Still, it rattled nerves, causing people to vow to step up their emergency preparations. The earthquake that hit Southern California on Tuesday-July 29: For the first time in 14 years, an earthquake rocked a populated area of Southern California, sending many into near-panic but causing little damage. The temblor's epicenter was located just outside Chino Hills, 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles in San Bernardino County, and it was felt as far east as Las Vegas. Dozens of aftershocks followed, the largest a magnitude-3.8.

California fire

California Wildfires Rage: Fire Destroys Near Yosemite National Park Yosemite highway closed as fire spreads. Crews do battle along 10-mile stretch; some park visitors leave

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lewisville Public Library

Lewisville Public Library System is to enhance the intellectual and recreational life of the population served by providing access to information, materials, and programs that expand intellectual, cultural, and artistic awareness. We loan some Chinese DVD's and books - The Emperor in Han Dynasty is one of Chinese popular TV series.

漢武大帝/The Emperor in Han Dynasty

The Emperor in Han Dynasty
Emperor Wu made the national economic more and more strenthen by setting up national business network, government commerce and overall market leadship.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


-Around China.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chalk Artist

Julian Beever is an English chalk artist who has been creating trompe-l'œil chalk drawings on pavement surfaces since the mid-1990s. His works are created using a projection called anamorphosis, and create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fair Park

Fair Park … A Cultural and Entertainment Center … is a division of the Dallas Park and Recreation Department. Located two miles east of downtown Dallas, Fair Park is home to nine museums and six performance facilities, including the Music Hall, Smirnoff Music Centre, Band Shell and the Cotton Bowl Stadium.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Southern Methodist University

SMU in Dallas has been chosen as the site of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, consisting of a library, museum and institute.

Celebrate Independence Day

Dallas - Fair Park Fourth start the evening with free admission to Fair Park museums from 5 to 8 p.m. and followed by a fireworks display.